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Thursday, September 19, 2013

Tantrum Tales

Oh my goodness!

We have an awesome two year old.

He rocks out to Aerosmith, ACDC and Guns N' Roses, insists on wearing mismatched socks and two tees at the same time and asks us to refer to him as Pluto.

We love his quirks - But like most two-year-olds, he can throw pretty epic tantrums - we're talking lying sprawled out on the floor screaming, arching his back and flailing his arms. But then he also provides us with funny gems: Like if I tell him don't scream, he says must scream! Or if I say don't cry he says must cry!

It's exhausting but hilarious at the same time.

Over time though, I've learnt certain strategies to help - both us and him - cope with this phase.

1. Distraction

Ice cream, Harold the Helicopter and Stickers make mealtimes happy
It's simple really - something yummy in one hand and a toy in the other, and he doesn't realise that he's doing exactly what you want him to.

2. Cause And Effect

I'll wear my shoes if I get to shoot you.

Or positive reinforcement. Or bribing. Whatever works.

Pretty much goes something like this.

Me: "Wear your shoes please."
C: "Nope."
Me: "You want a biscuit?"
C: "Yes."
Me: "Wear your shoes then you get your biscuit."
C: "..."

Works sometimes.

3. Engaging

Shopping trips are fun when I get to do this!

I recently read an article that stated that "Children tend to throw temper tantrums in public for two reasons: they are deliberately disobedient, or they are bored out of their minds."

How true - especially the second part. As parents, it's easy to "expect" the kiddo to simply follow you around for the day, whether your catching up with friends over coffee or going shopping, forgetting that these tiny human beings need to be engaged at their level. 

Even while Ewan and I are talking to each other, we try to make it a point to address Christian once in a while, so he feels included in the conversation, and not simply drowned out in the background.

4. Routine

My new stuffed toy

One of the hardest things to do these days, is to get Christian into bed. 

From a young age, we got him into a routine of having dinner, then bringing a bunch of "cool" stuff into his room for some pre-bedtime play, then milk and night night time. 

As he got older, he started to bargain and drag his bedtime.

I'm thankful though, that because of the nightly routine, once he's convinced to get into his room, it's a pretty straightforward bedtime ritual because of what he's used to.

5. Naps

One of the most basic but underrated toddler needs. Christian's at a stage where he can ALMOST drop a nap - he does that some times when he sleeps in in the morning, so we simply put him down earlier at night. But for most days, he does need one, and will get incredibly cranky when he doesn't get one. The key is to be aware of when he's getting tired and to quickly pop him into the car or stroller (if we're out), or give him a bottle of milk to lull him to sleep.

I think we're handling the "twos" pretty well - so, here's to new parenting adventures and experiences!

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